Saturday, 11 December 2021

Basic Enginnering Graphics


What is Engineering Drawing?

In engineering drawing, engineering-related objects like buildings, walls, electrical fittings, pipes, machines, etc. are represented with specifications like size, shape, materials, etc. Several engineering drawing software with more accuracy is available. But, drawing on paper is still being used in some areas and for small machine elements.

Importance of Engineering Drawing

Drawing plays a vital role in engineering works. The drawing requires no language anyone can read it. The drawing improves the imagination and new inventions can be developed. The estimate for the product can be done using the details provided in the drawing. The part can be analyzed completely before manufacturing by using drawing. So, every engineering department especially mechanical engineering requires drawing to manufacture a product.

Instruments Used in Engineering Drawing

The instruments used in engineering drawing are:
  1. Drawing sheet
  2. Drawing board
  3. Mini drafter
  4. T square
  5. Compass
  6. Divider
  7. Set squares
  8. Clinograph
  9. Protractor
  10. French curves
  11. Templates
  12. Pencils
  13. Eraser  

Drawing Sheet

A drawing sheet is a white paper on which an object is drawn which is available in various sizes. The sheet used for engineering should be of good quality. It should be white in color with uniform thickness with must resist the easy tearing of paper. The surface of a sheet must be smooth. Various sizes of drawing sheets recommended by Indian standards are listed below.

Drawing Sheet Type Dimensions (Length X Width) (mm)
A0                                     841 X 1189
A1                                     594 X 841
A2                                     420 X 594
A3                                     297 X 420
A4                                     210 X 297
A5                                     148 X 210

Drawing Board

The drawing board is generally made of softwood and it is in a rectangular shape. It is used to support drawing sheets, so, the size of the board is made according to the size of the drawing sheet. The wood portions are joined by tongue and grove-type joints to prevent cracks. At the edge of the board, the straight ebony edge is provided for the T-square usage. Different types of drawing boards and their sizes according to IS classification are listed below.
Type of Drawing BoardLength X Width X Thickness (mm)
D01500 X 1000 X 25
D11000 X 700 X 25
D2700 X 500 X 15
D3500 X 350 X 15

Mini Drafter

A mini drafter is an instrument that can be used for multiple functions in the drawing. It contains two arms that are adjustable to the required angle and at the end of the lower arm, a scale set is attached. The scale set contains two scales connected perpendicular to each which cannot be separated. This instrument is fixed to the drawing board at one edge with the help of a screw provided for the drafter. The mini drafter is used for drawing horizontal lines, vertical lines, inclined lines, angles, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, etc.


T square is used to draw horizontal and vertical lines on the drawing sheet. It is made of wood or plastic and in a T shape. The vertical part of T is called a blade and the horizontal part of T is called a head. The edge of the head is uniform level and attached to the edge of the board. The working edge is used to draw lines anywhere on the sheet by moving the instrument from top to bottom.


Compass is used to draw an arc or circle with known dimensions on engineering drawing. It is generally made of steel and consists of two legs. One leg contains a needle at the bottom and another leg contains a ring in which a pencil is placed. The needle tip is placed at the respected point and the pencil tip is adjusted to the height at least 1mm just above the tip of the needle. The gap is nothing but the paper thickness.



The divider looks like a compass, but the difference is the two legs of the divider are provided with needles. This is used to divide a line or curve into equal parts. It is also used to check the measurements.Divider

Set Squares

Set squares are used to draw lines with an angle between them. In most of the structures, 30, 45, 60, and 90-degree lines are most common. So, set squares make the work easier for this type of drawing. Generally, set squares are of two types. One is a 45 degrees set square and another one is called a 30 – 60 degree set square. Both are required in the drawing. 45 set square has a side of 25 cm while 30-60 set square has 25 cm length on one side.Set Squares


Clinograph is an instrument used to draw parallel lines to the inclined lines. It contains one adjustable wing or strip which can be adjusted to the required angle. So, it can be termed an adjustable set square.Clinograph


A protractor is used to draw and measure the angles of lines in the drawing. It is transparent and made of plastic. It is in the shape of a semi-circle, and the edge of the semi-circle part consists of reading with one-degree accuracy. The bottom line joins the 0o to the 180o. The center of this bottom line is marked as “O” or “C” from which the angles are measured.Protractor

French Curves

French curves are made of plastic and they are in irregular shapes. Sometimes the drawing requires irregular curves or shapes or arcs which cannot be drawn using a compass. In that case, French curves are suitable. Generally, French curves are more suitable for small curves, and for long curves, splines are used.French Curves

Drawing Templates

Templates are nothing but plastic or wooden boards that contains spaces of several shapes or letters. Non-dimensional shapes or variety of font letters are drawn by using templates which makes drawing easier and perfect.Drawing Templates


A pencil is used to draw on the paper. Any type of pencil is not suitable for drawing. There are some limitations, the drawing appearance should be very neat and understandable. Every line of the drawing should indicate its importance. It depends upon the hardness of the pencil. Based on the hardness quality pencils are classified into 18 grades and they are
Grade of PencilHardness of Pencil
6H, 5H, 4HExtremely Hard
3HVery hard
HModerately hard
BModerately soft and black
2BSoft and black
3BVery soft and black
4B, 5B, 6BVery soft and very black
Out of the above 18 grades of pencils, the following grades are used in engineering drawings.
Grade of PencilUsed to Draw
3HConstruction lines
2HDimension lines, centerlines, sectional lines, hidden lines
HObject lines, lettering
HBDimensioning, boundary lines
Grades of Pencil


Eraser is used to remove the lines or spots drawn by mistake or with wrong measurements. The eraser used should be of good quality and soft. It should not damage the paper while erasing.Eraser

Paper Holders

When the drawing sheet is placed on the board it may not be in a fixed position. To fix the drawing sheet to the board paper holders are used. Generally used paper holders are thumb pins, spring clips, stick tapes, etc. Care should be taken while removing the clips or tapes otherwise the sheet may tore.Paper Holders

 Setting up the mini drafter and drawing sheet.

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