Saturday, 30 October 2021




Forgot to switch off the gas

The cooker was going to burst

The child was sleeping deep

Fumes smelt in the staircase

Trembling fingers rang the bell

Mom, I am safe!!

Actually, that was your voice

Forgot to switch off the iron box

Returned after long hours

Yet my home was safe enough

nothing happened to the plastic chair!!

E- Rickshaw was jumping signal

DTC was speed and approaching,

Microseconds to die

Yet you were there saving me !!

Returning from RERA

Driver fell asleep

About to hit a divider

You came in a cycle and fell for me

Saved from accident!!

The car door was fully open with

Licence RC PLC Insurance papers

Yet it was not robbed!!

What a sincere Gaurd you are !!

Tears raining down at your feet

O Dear Karuppanna sameee,

How Great you are in Guarding!!

I wondered every day!!!

Thank you Appaa!!

                -    DEIVANAI

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