Saturday, 21 January 2023

Crime against Women

India has dropped 28 places to 140 out of 156 countries in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2021. “According to the NCRB’s ‘Crime in India’ 2019 report, crime against women increased by 7.3 per cent from 2018 to 2019 under the patronage of the Modi government”,

A total of 4,05,861 cases of crimes against women were registered during 2019, an increase of 7.3 per cent (3,78,236 cases) over 2018. Most of the cases of heinous crime against women under the IPC were registered under ‘assault on honor’ (21.8 per cent), ‘kidnapping of women’ and ‘rape’ (25.8 per cent). The NCRB report states that per lakh female population in 2019, the crime rate against women is 62.4 compared to 2018 (58.8)”,
in all BJP-ruled states, crime against women is at its peak, “The state with the highest crime and kidnapping against women is UP. Not only this, after the highest number of rapes or gang rapes in the country, women are killed in UP, MP at No. 2 and No. 3 is the state of Assam.”

In his address to the nation on India's 75th birthday , Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for a "change in the mentality" towards women and asked citizens to fight misogyny.

"A distortion has crept in our conduct and we at times insult women. Can we take a pledge to get rid of this in our behaviour," he suggested, urging people to "take a pledge to get rid of everything that humiliates women in everyday life".

This was not the first time Mr Modi had talked about gender equality and respect for women.
In his first Independence Day speech as prime minister in 2014, he had condemned rapes in India saying "when we hear about these rapes, our heads hang in shame".

After eight years under his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government, data shows that crimes against women remain unabated.

The numbers show a consistent year-on-year rise, except in 2020 - the year when the Covid-19 pandemic swept India and a hard lockdown forced the country to shut down for months. Experts say it also impacted data collection.

In the year 2021 - for which the government released crime data - India recorded the highest number of crimes against women ever.

Activists say the rising graph is a matter of serious concern, but authorities say it's because there's better reporting now and more people are going to the police to register cases.

the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reports for the past six years to distil the data about crimes against women  found, in five charts.

Of the six million crimes that police in India recorded between 1 January and 31 December last year, 428,278 cases involved crimes against women. It's a rise of 26.35% over six years - from 338,954 cases in 2016. A majority of the cases in 2021, were of kidnappings and abduction, rapes, domestic violence, dowry deaths and assaults. Also, 107 women were attacked with acid, 1,580 women were trafficked, 15 girls were sold and 2,668 women were victims of cybercrimes. With more than 56,000 cases, the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, which is India's most populous with 240 million people, once again topped the list.
With tens of thousands of rape cases reported annually, India has earned the moniker "the rape capital of the world". critics say the world's largest democracy gets a bad name because of the way the victims and survivors are treated - they are stigmatised by the society, and often shamed by the police and judiciary too.recently, a Muslim woman who was gang-raped and saw 14 members of her family killed by Hindu neighbours during the 2002 Gujarat riots spoke of her "searing pain" after her rapists were freed from jail.
The story of the unfair treatment Bilkis Bano received made global headlines, reinforcing the view that India is often unkind to its women.

Another data records 76,263 kidnappings and abductions of women - up 14% from 66,544 in 2016.

Some of the crime was linked to murder, ransom and many were trafficked for prostitution and domestic work.

But a large majority of the kidnapped women - 28,222 - were taken away to "compel her for marriage".

Violence inside the home is mostly recorded under the legal term of "cruelty by husband or his relatives" and it has consistently been the most reported violent crime against women in India.

In 2021, police received complaints from 137,956 women - which breaks down to about one every four minutes. It's an increase of 27% from 2016 when 110,434 women sought police help.

Such violence is not unique to India - the World Health Organization says one in three women globally face gender-based violence and the numbers for India are similar.But what sets it apart here is the silence that surrounds to, even approval for violence at home.More than 40% women and 38% men told a recent government survey that it was okay for a man to beat his wife if she disrespected her in-laws, neglected her home or children, went out without telling him,  or didn't cook properly.Even though India outlawed dowries in 1961, the centuries-old tradition of the bride's family gifting cash, gold and other expensive items to the groom's family remains rampant. According to a recent World Bank study, dowry was paid in 95% of marriages in rural India. Campaigners say new brides are often harassed for not bringing in sufficient dowry and thousands are killed by their husbands and in-laws every year.Most are burnt to death and the murders are passed off as "kitchen accidents".
In 1983, India introduced a tough new law - Section 498A - to curb dowry deaths, but thousands of brides continue to be murdered every year.In year 2021 police recorded 6,795 dowry deaths - or on average, one every 77 minutes. Maharashtra governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari asked the state government to hold a two-day session to discuss atrocities against women, the Maharashtra Congress has hit out at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), pointing at the high number of such cases in the BJP-ruled states of Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh.Citing the National Crime Records Bureau data the Congress has said that the number of cases of crime against women was more during the five-year rule of Fadnavis government until October 2019.

Maharashtra Congress’s general secretary Sachin Sawant said the BJP-ruled Assam is at the forefront of atrocities against women with 154 cases per lakh population. He said that UP has been at the top in 2020 in murders and gangrape, while the state registered 59,445, 59,853 and 49,385 cases of atrocities against women in 2018, 2019 and 2020, respectively. Maharashtra has reported 35,497; 37,144 ad 31954 cases in three years respectively, Sawant stated.

All India Congress Committee spokesperson Supriya Shrinate
launched a scathing attack on the BJP over the crimes being committed against the women in Himachal Pradesh. Taking up the issue of the two-year-old girl’s rape in Manali, she said women were not safe under BJP rule. She said the BJP was fighting the elections on the strength of rapists in the western state. She termed the release of 11 people found guilty of rape in Gujarat as an insult to women.

A study released  by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) shows that the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has the most number of MPs/MLAs with cases of crimes against women.

Crimes against women, especially Dalit women, had risen under the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) governmen. From molestation to gang rapes,  Tripura witnessed half a dozen cases of heinous crimes against women. In Khowai district, a BJP panchayat member was named as a co-accused in the gang rape of a minor tribal girl.

According to official reports, 407 incidents of rape, including 26 gang rapes, were recorded in the state since January 2020. Seven women were murdered after rape.

The gang rape of a teenager in Unakoti district on October 19 has become a rallying point with Opposition parties alleging that Labour Minister Bhagaban Das's son was involved in the crime.

However, the BJP has stood by the minister, insisting that the allegations were politically motivated. BJP's women cadres have taken out rallies to counter the opposition's charges.

For how many more days will this government enjoy its slumber, keeping its eyes and ears closed? For how long will the government evade its responsibilities? Women will not spare this government?

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